Stew Market

Vendor Applications Open NOW!

Stew Market Rules

1. Advance Application REQUIRED – Walk-ins will not be allowed. Booth spaces will be assigned by Chamber
Staff and marked.
2. Market Timeframe – Friday, 12 pm – 7 pm, Saturday 8 am – 2 pm. All vehicles must be removed from the
park by 7 am, no exceptions. Please do not break down on Saturday until 2 pm. If a vendor sells out, a sign
will be posted (Chamber staff will provide one) and vendor booth may be left unattended until market is
3. Food Safety – Any goods sold with temperature sensitivity must be temperature controlled during the market. Products made in a home kitchen should be in line with all Texas Cottage Law requirements including
4. Setup & Parking – Please be set up before the Market starts. Additional parking information, vendors passes, and maps will be provided before the event to all vendors. We ask that each vendor unload and move
their vehicles BEFORE setting up their booth to allow vendors ample room to unload.
5. Refunds – No refunds will be issued.
6. Canopies /Tents – Canopies are strongly encouraged. Please make sure your tent is anchored, stakes are
not permitted.
7. Trash – Each vendor is responsible for removing their own trash. There is a dumpster onsite you may use,
please bring your own trash bag.
8. Security – Security is not provided. The Hopkins County Chamber of Commerce is not responsible for any
missing or damaged items.
9. Miscellaneous – No food can be distributed unless previously approved by the Chamber. Please only bring
items that previously discussed with the Chamber. No loud noise / music, please be respect to other vendors, Chamber staff, volunteers and shoppers.
10. Giveaways / Raffles – Giveaways and raffles may be done at your booth.
11. Items – Only items previously discussed with the Chamber may be sold or distributed at your booth. Market booths are 10′ x 15′. Setups are not allowed to exceed these dimensions.
12. Generators – No generators allowed without prior approval from the Chamber.

Please note: Friday set up is optional. All vehicles, including trailers MUST BE removed from the park by 7 a.m. We ask
that each vendor unload and move their vehicles BEFORE setting up their booth to allow vendors ample room to unload. This is very important for safety reasons and to allow other vendors space to drop off as we are limited on space.