Sponsorship Opportunities
Monthly membership functions provide forums for making business contacts. These include membership breakfasts (new members are introduced), business after hours mixers, and periodic luncheons, among other events.
Referrals from the Chamber
Members’ names and phone numbers are distributed to thousands of people inquiring each year about goods, services, shopping, and visiting opportunities.
Ribbon Cuttings
Upon request, new members receive a ribbon cutting hosted by Chamber Ambassadors. Ribbon cuttings are available to businesses that expand, relocate, or come under new ownership.
Workshops and Seminars
The Hopkins County Chamber of Commerce is committed to helping our members improve their business through low-cost, and sometimes free, training workshops and seminars. Subjects include customer service, business plans, financing, human resources, and e-commerce, to name a few.
Brochures and Business Cards Displayed
Members may display brochures and business cards in the Chamber office racks, and at a number of official functions hosted by the Chamber.
Membership Directory
All members are listed in the Chamber’s Membership Directory, used as an information piece on the area and a guide of recommended businesses to newcomers, local and out-of-town businesses, and residents.
Economic and Demographic Information
The Chamber serves as a reference point for members when they seek the latest statistical and demographic information for business planning purposes.
Chamber Seal
Members have free access to the Hopkins County Chamber of Commerce logo used to show Chamber membership and provide recognition for customers.
Newsletters & Website
All new and renewing members are listed in the newsletter and on the chamber wesbite, and all members receive this monthly publication highlighting opportunities and activities either electronically or by surface mail.